Project Overview
IBM has been working on a concept called a SmartCity and would like to unveil it to the world. SmartCity is still
under development, so instead of showing very specific things, we’d like to showcase some of the broader ideas
encompassed by the project: Less traffic, affordable housing, lower energy costs. We’ve scripted out a :30 spot
and would like the whole spot boarded out.
IBM has been working on a concept called a SmartCity and would like to unveil it to the world. SmartCity is still
under development, so instead of showing very specific things, we’d like to showcase some of the broader ideas
encompassed by the project: Less traffic, affordable housing, lower energy costs. We’ve scripted out a :30 spot
and would like the whole spot boarded out.
Additional Information
These are must haves:
• The entire spot must be boarded out and must go along with the script.
• The spot should end with the SmartCity type featured along with the URL.
These are must haves:
• The entire spot must be boarded out and must go along with the script.
• The spot should end with the SmartCity type featured along with the URL.
Deliverables / Requirements
• The demo is 18-65 M/F
• At the end of the spot we should direct folks to the url: :
• We really need to make this feel friendly... this technology could be seen as intrusive, so let’s use the design
to help reinforce the idea that this is safe and to be used for good.
• Check out our brand guidelines and other work to stay on-brand.
• Our brand guide can be found at
• The demo is 18-65 M/F
• At the end of the spot we should direct folks to the url: :
• We really need to make this feel friendly... this technology could be seen as intrusive, so let’s use the design
to help reinforce the idea that this is safe and to be used for good.
• Check out our brand guidelines and other work to stay on-brand.
• Our brand guide can be found at
Today’s cities have populations they were not designed to support.
And this causes:
Grid-lock on the roads.
A lack of affordable housing.
And, high energy costs.
At IBM, we’re good at solving problems. So we came up with a solution.
Traffic lights that talk to cars and buses to optimize traffic.
Multi-use buildings designed to keep housing affordable.
An on-demand-grid intelligently providing power only when needed.
We’re working towards a safer, more efficient, more connected city.
A smarter city.
SmartCity, coming soon from IBM
Find out more at
Intrigued? Find out more at
Today’s cities have populations they were not designed to support.
And this causes:
Grid-lock on the roads.
A lack of affordable housing.
And, high energy costs.
At IBM, we’re good at solving problems. So we came up with a solution.
Traffic lights that talk to cars and buses to optimize traffic.
Multi-use buildings designed to keep housing affordable.
An on-demand-grid intelligently providing power only when needed.
We’re working towards a safer, more efficient, more connected city.
A smarter city.
SmartCity, coming soon from IBM
Find out more at
Intrigued? Find out more at
This is part of a course called Design Bootcamp, owned and operated by School of Motion, Inc. The brief described is a fictional client brief created for the sole purpose of creating a realistic experience . The project details are not based on a real project, and any similiarities thereof are coincidental.